I am getting ready to take Taylor for her chemo Mom, I was thinking about you so I thought I'd write for a minute. Yes, I am still missing you like crazy Mom! Not a day goes by where I don't think about you. Wondering what you'd be doing, actually you'd be here right about now, taking care of the kids so I could take Sweet Tay. Or maybe I'd be taking you both Mom, remember how we planned on, if you needed chemo, you could go with Tay and you could both get it at the same time. I am glad you don't have to get chemo Mom, I know it would be much stronger than Tay's is and it would be hard on you, but I still wish you were here...I just miss you so much! Well Mom, I better finish getting ready. Jarrod started his new job last night. I am waiting to hear back from him about how it went. He is a direct care worker. He seems really excited about it! I LOVE YOU MOM!!!! (((((HUGS))))) *****KISSES*****