Hi Mom, well I took Taylor to the Dr on Friday and we ended up being admitted. Her ear was really infected! We came home yesterday but had to go back today to have her ear fitted for a special tube to help hold it open and then on Thursday they are going to put a ear tube in her left ear. I was so worried about her, she was so lethargic yesterday and last night and not eating anything at all. I got a few ounces in her thru her g-tube a little while ago but she lost most of it (threw it up). Right now she is laying in bed. She seems pretty alert and is taking some sips so hopefully things will improve, otherwise we could end up back in the hospital. Then to make matters more complicated Beanie left for FL this morning. I've been really upset with her Mom. Maybe I am realizing how much you did for me, I certainly know she could never come close to walking in your shoes. She just does not, will not watch my kids for me no matter what! The whole weekend I had Taylor in the hospital not one offer to come and take Bryson. You know he's never been to her house over night before! I know she always said "I am not a babysitting Grandma"...well I accepted that. YOU always watched my kids when I needed someone. Well then Braden came along and suddenly when he was 2 weeks old she became that babysitting Grandma...only never ever to my kids, still to this day her words "I am not a babysitting Grandma" apply to me. I don't know Mom...I guess it really really hurts my feelings because I have no one to help out in that area. It won't be long and Bryson will realize it...he'll realize that Braden goes over there all the time, even has his own room, clothes and toys there, but yet he doesn't have any of it. I don't know Mom...you were never like that, so maybe that makes it even harder on me. Anyhow, I love you Mom...I love you and miss you more than ever! I did have a dream about you in the hospital though...that was what I wished for! Then on Saturday evening in the hospital,I was laying in bed with Bryson (they moved us by the way...to a HUGE room...it was soooo nice. Bry and I had our own big bed...2 tvs..it was awesome) anyhow, all of a sudden I had this feeling over come me of your presence. I looked over at Taylor, that is where I just felt you were...watching over her. I don't know Mom..I just really really had a strong feeling of you being there! So I am sure you were...(((((((HUGS))))))) *******KISSES*******