Had a dream about you last night, THANKS! I love it when you pop in for a visit, I always wake up happy happy happy! And with the way these darn ballgames keep turning out, I NEED something/someone to make me smile! To top it off, also woke up with Cub lick, lick, licking me all over the face, ewww, haha! He's so funny. He sleeps with me, EVERY STINKING NIGHT. It wouldn't be bad, but he has to lay RIGHT next to me. King sized bed and he has to be right there next to me, touching me the entire night! He's just a big ol' goof ball lug head. PERFECT =) Well, not a lot to chat about his AM. Tons to do here and I really need to start off with a good workout. Soo, thanks again for the dream. Love you!!! ((((((HUGS)))))) ******KISSES*******