Hi Mom, As always I was thinking about you so I thought I'd visit your web site. Today is Kelsey's 9th birthday, yesterday Lissy turned 16! Can you believe it!! Your Grandkids are really growing up! Well Little Taylor had a bone marrow biopsy and 24 hour urine test last week. I am hoping to hear some results tomorrow. Dr. C wants to see how her bone marrow is handling the chemo and the urine test was to see if we could find some answers to her high blood pressure. She's been doing good though Mom, other than some low white blood cells, she's as happy as can be! Her MRI came back good last month, we'll probably do another one around the holidays. I can't believe how cold it is getting out. Fall has come early! But I guess we shouldn't be surprised, we really had no summer at all this year! I miss you so much Mom! I had a dream about you a week or so ago, it is so nice when I dream about you! I just LOVE it!! Sharon is still coming once a month to clean for me, we talk about you every time she comes, so she's usually here the entire day! With Taylor's low counts it really helps to know things are cleaned good! Bry and Jay are doing good too, Bry is getting so big! He keeps wanting to buy you flowers. He enjoys going to the cemetery. The last time we were there he picked up something from someone else's grave site, when I told him to PUT THAT BACK...he told me that you said he could play with it...lol. I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH MOM!!!! Thank you for being the best Mom ANYONE could ever have!!! ((((((HUGS)))))) ******KISSES*******