Love, Tammy -! 11/06/2017

Wow, last time I wrote to you was on your birthday and now here it is mine (well, plus a day) Had a fabulous day! I fixed Chicken Marsala, salted mini potatoes, french bread and made a chocolate-peanut butter cheesecake. Had Jarrod, Mara, Beanie and Dale over for dinner. Made WAY to much food...(as usual, haha) And then last night when I sat down with Tay (we like to rock in the evening and play on our phones) I turned hers on and right there 8:18 stared me right in the face. Thank you Mama! I told Tay Grandma Joan is here too Sweetie! We rocked for over 2 hours =) Weird dream this morning. My alarm went off at 5:30, shut it off and then I drifted back to sleep for a few minutes and during that time....I was driving Bean's car. Turned onto a bridge only part of my wheel missed and fell off the bridge into the river below. Bryson was with me. We tumbled off the bridge and into what I feared was ice cold water. I was bracing myself for the shock but also telling myself as soon as the car filled up with water we'd get out and swim to the top. Bryson was silent. It was pitch dark I couldn't see him or anything. The car kept tumbling and falling falling falling. We never reached bottom and I knew when/if we did. We were too far down and it was too dark to see anything. There was no escaping this. I also knew this wasn't a dream. I was awake and this was REALLY happening (usually in my dreams of death I can talk myself out of whatever...cuz I somehow know it is just a dream. But not this time. It was weird...different. I honestly thought we were dying) I was scared to death, but calm. Panicked cuz I couldn't see Bryson, but knew he was there buckled in the seat next to me. I just wanted it to be over. Drowning isn't a pleasant death, but I convinced myself that it (dying) wouldn't be so bad cuz I'd be with you. I was trying so hard to focus on YOU! We still hadn't hit bottom yet and I was struggling to breath and trying to see/find Bryson. Then I woke up suddenly, gasping and it was 5:38. Bry was next to me sound asleep. I love you Mom, miss you like crazy!