Wow Mom...Thank you! I don't even know how to explain to others the something so special, that you just sent to me. You and I were the only ones who 'truly' knew the details behind all of this. When Dad died I had a hard time dealing with his death. The 'wondering' if he was ok...just like I went thru when you left us, was always on my mind. Then when I went back to school about 6 weeks after he died he sent me a sign...a sign that he was 'ok'. It was the newspaper article, "Death is alive". I was in 11th grade and I randomly drew it from a bag for an assignment...of all things for me to get. Everyone else got things like 'food', or 'animals'. Here I get 'death and dying'. As soon as I read it, the whole time I was reading it... I was one of those things that 'happen for a reason', a sign from Dad that he is ok. I remember it so clearly. I ran home to tell you all about it and let you read it. It gave both of us such comfort. We both knew and it was special to us both.You put it in his funeral bag...I saw you put it there, for save keep forever you said. Well Mom, somewhere along the way I must have taken it out because when I went to read it again right after you left us it wasn't there. Then yesterday, Beanie brings me a box of stuff from her basement, she was cleaning things out, came across this box of stuff, on top was a photo album, so she opened it and there you were...smiling at her. She said she knew whatever was in here was suppose to go to me so she brought it over, I start to go thru it and there it is, the news paper article! Along with one of Dad's memorial cards. I KNOW Mom, I know with all of my heart, the one thing that helped me with Dad, you sent right back to me. You saw what it did for me when Dad sent it so you wanted me to 'remember' and it is the one thing that you knew would truly give me comfort and a sign you KNEW I wouldn't second guess. Oh and I got the baby book I was missing too, it was right there with that article. You were always so organized...never misplaced a thing and then there's me who loses everything. THANK YOU for finding it for me! I miss you so much Mom and I LOVE you!! With all my heart... I feel you around me so much right now and I know you are looking down on us all telling us "everything will be ok, The Good Lord will give you the strength to get thru this" (((((HUGS)))))) *****KISSES******