From Tammy on 10/24/2007

I didn't sleep very well last night either Mom. Looks like Becky and I both had a hard time last night.I cried myself to sleep thinking of you. It is so hard to accept the fact that you aren't here. More and more...with every day that passes I am starting to realize you really aren't here. I can't touch you, see you or hear your voice. I am so not looking forward to the holidays. How in the world are we suppose to get thru them. We have to make the best of things for the little kids sake...we have to try and stay strong for them, but oh Mom without you...the center of everything, it is so very hard! I miss you so much! Debbie left some flowers on your headboard. She called to tell me that they won't last long and I should have Bryson pick some fresh ones and go over to replace them. I thought that was a good idea but now I am not sure. I have such a hard time going into your house when no one is there. YOU should be there. I so badly want to just pick up the phone, dial your number and have you answer. It's hard Mom...we try to take things one day at a time, but it is so very hard. You were such a good loving without you is very painful! The kids are doing good. Tay is back to her normal self. Bryson isn't feeling too well. I will probably end up taking him to the Dr tomorrow. He's running a little fever and very cranky. He was feverish last night then today was fine...cranky but no fever. Beanie just picked him up to take him to see the horses. He LOVES the horses! She's doing so good with the kids, she's trying to show extra G-ma duties and spend as much time with the kids as she can. She talks to them about you too Mom....we all do. I love you very much! Please look down on us the holidays approach us we will all need to feel your presence! ((((HUGS)))) ****KISSES****