Love, Tammy - 11/24/2010

Happy Thanksgiving Mom, as hard as it is, at least I know in my heart YOU are happy! So much to say, not even sure where to start. A lot of sorrow down here Mom! YOU not being here, Debbie's 1st without Lee, friends first without their child, the sad news of another friend who will soon be sending their little boy up Heaven. Richelle...and her loss, she needs a hug Mom, please let her feel your love and strength Mom. And then Sweet Tay or Little Taylor as you always called her. I am so worried about her Mom. Between her gagging, choking and upcoming MRI....she's losing weight Mom, still! I was bathing her tonight and it hit me, aweful she looked! So I weighed her, I weighed her and she barely weighs 36 pounds! 36 friggen pounds Mom, she's way way thin! You'd be a mess seeing her if you were here! I am on the 6th nutritional drink right now...they've switched her SIX times and NOTHING helps!! Is God on strike Mom?? There is just too much sorrow around me right now, I try Mom, I really do. I watched my little friends memorial video today, the little man who helped renew my faith...I needed it today I guess. His smile and remembering how strong he is/was helps in times like these. Hug him will you? Make sure he shines some love and strength down to his family. The holidays for those left behind are brutal! Especially all the 'firsts' I guess the one thing to be 'Thankful' for, is that all of you up there feel no pain, no sorrow...nothing but pure love! I'll see you again someday Mom, for now in my dreams and I so hold on to coming here whenever I need to 'talk'. Thankful for that too! I love you Mom! I love and miss you so very much!! ((((((((HUGS))))))))))) *********KISSES************