Not sure what's going on up there Mom, but tell GOD vacation is OVER!! Time to answer some prayers and dish out some miracles! This is CRAZY down here I tell ya! Tay had a rough night last night and ya know, I've NEVER said this before....never even thunk it, but it's a good thing you're not here to see the HELL the last year has put her thru! You so hated to see her go thru any sort of'd break your heart each and every time. It's hard Mom, hard for me to watch, hard to KNOW there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. Here I am her Mom, her protector and I can't keep her safe from the one thing that hurts her most! Just watch over her Mom....will ya? Just help her thru and watch over her. I know you're there...well here. I see it and hear it in her giggles, her laughter, her smiles. Bry starts wrestling tonight. First words out of his mouth this morning "Is it time for wrestling yet?" He's sooo excited! Jarrod's coaching, he called his brother last night. Had to brag about his new Nike wrestling shoes. Just HAD to have the kind his bro has, lol. Also wanted to make sure 'you're my coach, right', lol. Hoping this spring/summer he'll get into another sport....sooooo good for him to stay busy with that sort of thing. And trust me...he NEEDS it! I miss you Mom, I really really miss you. Easier...I don't think so, wouldn't want it to be, I could it? Just adapting I guess, not even sure if that is the appropriate word for it. Anyhow, I MISS YOU and I LOVE YOU, always! (((((((HUGS)))))) ******KISSES*******