Love, Tammy 02/02/2011

So I've been sitting here, back and fourth with what the hell to say or even 'think'. It's quite obvious God is on strike and your hands are tied. Either that or He simply hates me ???? Trying to hold on to your logic 'things happen for a reason'. We shall see Mom, it is what it is I guess. Mind races a million mph pretty much non-stop now. Runs are about the only thing that I can 'escape' in but then even those highs don't last long. Anyhow, kids are doing well. Even Sweet little Taylor has had a good week! Pretty big snow storm we had here last night, I'd say a good 14" of snow with some amazing drifts! Let the dogs out this morning and they 'disappeared' Speaking of 'this morning', woke up to a broken furnance as well. See....I'm just so lucky and all, who else's furnance would go out the morning after the biggest snow storm of the year @@@@ Oh well, it's fixed now, thanks to a really nice man from Consumers Energy who was the only one able to get out of his driveway today. Well Mom, sorry to be such a downer, complainer and all of that. I miss you like CRAZY ya know and I love you very much!! ((((((HUGS))))))) ********KISSES*********