Dr C today.....lots going on up there, so we're going to add in weekly interferon to try and calm things down a bit. She starts temodar tonight and had vincristine in clinic so he wants to wait 2 weeks. We go back to clinic on May 10 and if counts are good we can start it then. She did gain almost a pound so my 'tweaking' worked =) Bry goes to the immuno docs next Tuesday...he went to school today but told me he missed me and cried for me ...poor little guy, we're snuggling now watching spongebob. I've told him about the 'new doctor' he has to see next week but promised him a trip to toys r us afterwards and a special lunch date =) I love you Mom...sure do miss you. I know how much help you'd be if you were here..., but perhaps you're more help from up above....God I hope so, please watch over them! ((((((HUGS)))))) ******KISSES******