Love, Tammy - 08/12/2011

Hey there, sure do miss you! I've been working for days (and nights) on your memorial slideshow. Finally got her done. The first half I really feel would be your words to us and the second half...ours to you! No Mother or Grandmother is loved more than you Mom. You were/are/always will be the perfection of what being a Mother/Grandmother is all about. And if I can be half of what you were/are ....I will be truly blessed! I tell ya, making this video has been extremely difficult, talk about cry...think thats all I've done all week! But worth it is...I'd do anything in the world for you....anything to show you just how much you are and always will be loved and I PROMISE my kids will always always know just how special and loved you were! Every step I take, every move I make, every single day, every time I pray....I'll be missing you! I love you Mom (((((((HUGS)))))))) ********KISSES***********