From Shelley on 13/12/2007

Hi Mom. I love and miss you very much. I haven't wrote to you in a while. I read what everyone writes on your website just about every day but it is very hard for me. I handle things differently than everyone else, I always have and I think you have always understood that. The kids are doing good. Seth is crawling everywhere and standind up to stuff. He is getting so big. I'm sure he will be walking soon. Kelsey and Kaden are both doing good and so is Alyssa. Alyssa stays with me all the time now. She really likes the new house that we moved into. I knew with time she would want to stay with me and that is good. She doesn't like taking her stuff back and forth and she still sees her Dad everyday. She gets off the bus at his house so she sees him for a couple of hours a day then comes home. It is working out pretty good. I let Paul have Seth one day a week. Paul and I fight about it because he wants him more but I don't want to share him. He's my little baby and I'm not real comfortable with Paul taking care of him. I'm sure as he gets older it will be different. I haven't started any Christmas shopping yet. I don't even know what I'm going to get anyone. That is usually how it works for me every year. I'm just not even looking forward to Christmas at all. It is going to be so hard without you there. You were the center of our Christmas. I'm hoping Bob will let me take the kids on Christmas Eve so I can go to Tammy's house. If not then I will just come to your house on Christmas Day. I love and miss you very much.