Hi mom, Happy Birthday! I tried to write to you yesterday, but couldn't get on your site. I sure miss you mom, wish I could have called you on your Birthday. I still can't believe it will be 8 months soon since you left us. I miss talking to you mom to let you know how things are going down here. The kids all are going fine. I had Brigham & Chasity overnight on Saturday. They love to spend the night with us. Chasity is so at home here, she loves her ma & grandpa. She is starting to talk a lot better. Mom Amelia is doing great,she is getting so big. I went to the Dr. with her on Monday for her check-up. She weighs 16lb 5oz. Lisa started her on rice cereal. Lisa wanted to wait until she was 6 months old. Amelia is a little doll mom, so cute!! She also is sitting up and loves to jump in her jumper. Love and miss you mom, Becky