For the last 5 years or so I've been the physical therapist who works with Taylor. Over those years I got to get to know Joan as she was always there helping Tammy take care of all the other kids. I was always amazed at the energy of this elderly woman to care for these high energy kids. And all the babies just loved "Gramma" as they all called her. She was such a kind lady to me and everyone. She would watch me work with Taylor and whisper encouraging words to her as Tay "exercised." I feel sad every time I drive to Tammy's now to see her car missing and to not see her warm smile as I come in. And I miss that home-made chicken noodle soup she would sometimes make and ALWAYS share. God bless you all as you mourn an obviously wonderful mother, Grandmother, etc. God promises us in the Bible that He is "near to the broken-hearted." (Psalm 34:18) May you feel that closeness.