Mom, Yesterday was Mothers Day without you. It was so hard on me and I just could not get onto your web site and write to you. Every thing that is happening right now is so nerve racking. The foreclosure of your home is making me a nervous reck. I just can't believe that it is happening. I have tried so hard to keep the house in the family and I pray that someone up there helps me solve this problem. I felt like I lost you Mom on Mothers Day. You where always there on that day. Whether it was on the phone or in person I could tell you Happy Mothers Day. Mom you will always be my mother. No one can take that away from me. I may not be able to see or touch you but I sure feel you in my heart. As I look at you in the pictures with your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and see the love in your face. I will never forget that love. Mom I love you more then life itself. I hope you had a great day yesterday and everyday, and tell Dad, and grandma Hamilton that I love them. Tell Mamoo and Papoo that I love them to. Mom I pray that you are at peace and are watching over all of us. Love always, Debbie