Hi Mom, it's been a few days, but I haven't stopped thinking about you. Still missing you as much, if not more, than the day you left us. Weather is getting nicer and I know you'd be so happy to see your flowers and lawn needing mowed. I remember when you asked me "oh Tammy, do you think I'll ever be able to mow my lawn again"? I'll never forget that Mom! We are working on your grave site. I want it to look beautiful...like the person you were. I want it to be something you'd be proud of. I had Bryson in the ER last night. He was running a fever and threw up a few times. They dx'd him with fifth's disease, but I don't think that is what he had. You don't vomit with that and you also have cold symtoms. He didn't have those at all and he was vomiting. His face was red...that is why they thought it was fifth's disease, but his temp was almost 104 so that is why his little face was so read. Anyhow, he is better today...back to himself. He was so good though at the hospital. Such a sick little guy, he just layed there and let them do whatever they needed to do. Jarrod went with us and it wasn't long and Beanie showed up. She doesn't miss a thing Mom...looking after the kids as she told you she would. Bry saw your picture this morning and said "Grama". He still remembers you Mom. I am sure he wonders where you are and what happened. One day he will be old enough for me to tell him so he understands. I promise to keep your memory alive in him Mom. He may not 'remember' because he was so young but he sure will know the loving Grama you were and you will live in his heart forever. Tay is doing good. Not sleeping too well, but that comes and goes. She goes for chemo and Dr. Droste next week, on Tuesday. You would not believe the gas prices Mom...up to 4 bucks a gallon. It is unreal!! I don't go anywhere I don't HAVE to go. I've even started grocery shopping every other week instead of every week. It's just too expensive for gas to go to Big Rapids every week. It'd be hard on you Mom...all this gas and the horrible economy. I can't imagine you being able to afford to come over here every day. I sure miss you Mom and when 9 9:30 rolls around in the mornings I think how you'd be pulling in anytime if you were here. I LOVE YOU MOM!!!! (((((HUGS))))) ******KISSES*****