Something wonderful happened today, just had to come here and share it with you. First off, I've been sick, AGAIN! Today I needed groceries. Your grandson is eating me out of house and home. Normally I go to walmart, but I just didn't have the stamina to go that far sooo...went to Fates instead. On the way home I told Bryson how when you were alive every time I went to Fates I'd run into you. Seems you were always there. So he says to me "so if Grandma Joan was still here we would have seen her in Fates today?" I said 'yep, I'm sure we would have and she would have bought you a treat, cuz that's how Grandma Joan was'. He giggled and said "M&M's, she always bought me M&M's". I was stunned! He was only 19 months old when you died, HOW did he remember that? I told him "yes, yes she would have and as a matter of fact when Grandma was in her casket ALL her Grand-kids put something 'special' in there with her, something that she could take to Heaven with her so she didn't have to go alone and YOU gave her M&M's". What a bittersweet moment that was!!! I miss you like CRAZY Mom, I really really do!! (((((HUGS))))) *****KISSES******