Love, Tammy - 02/18/2014

Found this on one of Taylor's old web pages. Gosh, I haven't been to that site in years. But here is what I wrote to YOU shortly after you died "To my Mom: Mom, I know how special Taylor was to you, I know how much you loved her, how close you were (are) to her and how you wanted more than ever for her to be well. You were always there for her....for me and I know even though you are no longer physically here with us....I know you are in our hearts and all around us. I know you are watching over her, guiding and protecting her and smiling down telling us 'everything is going to be ok...TRUST, LOVE, BELIEVE and have above all have FAITH'. I remember the day you left us. It was on Taylor's 10th birthday. The hardest words I ever spoke was when I had to tell you 'goodbye'.... on Taylor's 10th birthday of all days and I knew you were holding on because you didn't want to leave us...on Taylor's 10th birthday of all days. So I leaned over and whispered in your ears "Mom, it's OK, it's ok for you to leave us on Taylor's birthday....this will be OUR sign, our sign Mom that you will always be watching over her. I kissed you and we brought Taylor into your room. She then sang you a song, ....her song of love, that I know only you understood the words to. We all was a bittersweet moment. You held on for the rest of the day, as to not 'ruin' her birthday. And than at 11:58 PM ....just 2 minutes before her birthday was over, you drew your last breath,...leaving us with the reminder and promise that you will always watch over your 'Little Taylor'. I will never forget this Mom! I love you and miss you soooo much, I also hear you screaming down the words you lived by 'Things happen for a reason' and 'The Good Lord will help us get thru this'. So I thank you Mom...for all you've given me....for the reminders, the love and for being the best Mother in the world. I will find the strength, because you taught me how to be strong and I will always stand by my children thru no matter what life throws as them, just like you always stood by yours! I love you Mom and I truely feel you all around me (((((HUGS)))) *****KISSES*****