Love, Tammy - 10/21/2008

Hey Mom, just wanted to stop by before my first aid class. I am renewing my license...what a pain! All the stuff you have to do know is soooo expensive and a lot of work! This morning around 9 ish, I looked at the clock as I was taking laundry out of the wash and thought to myself how you'd be pulling in soon if you were here. I miss you so much Mom, you'd like over a year later I'd get used to it, but not a bit! I don't think I'll ever get used to not having you here Mom! You were too much a part of me and all of who I am! Kids are doing good, Tay is still gaggy though, we can't seem to figure out why. Dr. C wants me to call him this week with an update and then he wants to see her again next week. I think he'll order more tests if we can't get the gaggying to stop, what he'll order I have no idea, we've done so much already! She acts fine, so that's good. Bry is as sassy as ever but we adore him sooooo much!! Jarrod is busy as usual with his new found freedom. He doesn't call or come home nearly as much as I'd like, you'd think I'd get used to that too, but I am not, I still miss him like crazy when he's not here. Well, Mom, I better go check on the kids. I LOVE YOU!!!!!! ((((((HUGS)))))) ******KISSES*******