Hi Mom, I am really thinking about you a lot lately. I've even dreampt about you the last 3 nights. I love to dream about you, it makes you feel close by! Taylor got her casts off and she is now in her cute little braces. You'd like them and be so proud of how well she tolerates them. She has to sleep in them at night, although I have given her a couple breaks. The Dr said that was ok to do from time to time. She was so happy to finally be able to get in the bath tub! I think I had her in there for over an hour the first time :o) She's still throwing up though Mom and no matter what we try nothing seems to stop it. Dr C started her on decadron (you took that while you were sick) it is suppose to get rid of the fluid that surrounds her brainstem tumor, well if that was what was making her nauseous the decadron would have taken away the nausea and we'd know it was the tumor and she'd have to go back on chemo. Well it helped a little I guess, so when I talked to Dr C on the phone last week he wants to start her back on chemo....one of them is called VP-16 that is also a chemo drug they were going to give you. I am not sure how comfortable I am about all this. We go to clinic tomorrow to talk about what kind of treatment to start her on. I'd just as well put her back on the temodar and vincristine...what she was on before. We know that worked and she tolerated it very well...but I also want what ever is going to work the best for her, so we'll see what his plan is tomorrow. Bry and Jay are doing good. Bryson is really growing up...changing from when you saw him last Mom. You'd really enjoy him Mom! Jarrod is doing well in school and working...you'd be proud of him too Mom! Man would you have loved the weather we had last week. It was about 70...amazing for November. This week however has been the typical 30's with snow. I think it got down in the teens last night. Normal November for you, I don't like it at all!! Well Mom, I'll update tomorrow when I get back from the Dr. I LOVE YOU!!! I MISS YOU!!!!!