Love, T ammy - 11/14/2008

Taylor started back on her vincristine chemo Wednesday and since then she hasn't thrown up once! Strange, but it is beginning to look like her throwing up was chemo related after all...and not because of being on chemo, but because of being off it! I don't know for sure Mom, but this is the longest she's went in a couple months without throwing up. It's been 3 days now! She also has a urinary tract infection so she is back on antibiotics. We go see DR C on Wednesday so we'll see what he has to say about all of this. Hey Mom, guess what she did yesterday?? She stood up for the very first time!!`She had her arms wrapped around Robin and was sitting on the coffee table, then she pulled herself into a standing position while her arms were wrapped around Robin. It was pretty awesome!! She has a new stander that should be ready next week. I can't wait to get her into it! She's come along way Mom, her feet look awesome and she acts like she is going to be happy to get in that upright standing position!! I miss you so much Mom, you'd be so happy and proud of her! I can just see the big smile you'd have on your face if you could only see her now! I LOVE YOU MOM!! I know you are looking down on her though...watching over her! I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MOM!!! (((((HUGS))))) ******KISSES******