Love, Tammy - 03/02/2016

Well here I am, betch'a been wondering huh? I'm in the midst of a International running challenge and it's kicking my butt this week. CRAZIES I tell ya, haha! Anyhow, our girl is doing good! Of course her counts not so much, ANC is zero, but at least she's not sick! We have 3 more days of IV antibiotics and she'll be done! Bryson has been sick since last Friday. Well, he got sick Thursday night,was better Friday night, sick again Sunday and just now becoming fever free. Had a snow day today, which was nice cuz it gives him an extra day of recovering without missing school. He should be good to go tomorrow for sure (Man, I hope so...between him being sick and Tay being in the hospital he has missed A LOT of school!!!) Guess what, It snowed...A LOT! Sunday it was nearly 60 and I had Tay out in the stroller for a walk around the lake and then....badness happened! Oh well,next week, back into the 60's, yayyy!! AND the Cubs first spring training game is tomorrow. So, lots of positives to look forward to! Well, sorry to rush things. I've got to get in some more miles here to give me a chance at winning this thing. Already got in 5 miles today, gonna need another 5, then another 5, then another 5 before the day is over! UGH!! Send some energy =) Love you!! (((((((HUGS))))))) ********KISSES*********