From Debbie on 11\04\2007

Well Mom my computer is now fixed so look out. I will be talking to you alot. We added a picture of you today that Chad took of you on my camara when you finished assembling your bird feeder. He said you where so proud of it. The picture is not on your web site yet. We are not sure why. I was planning on coming up to your house this weekend but I changed my mind at the last minute. I promise I will be up next weekend. As I leave my house to come up I am fine but, half way there I begin to cry. The thought of not being able to see you or talk to you just hurts me so bad. I never ever thought about having to go to a cementery to be near you. The thought of your body deep in the ground is more then I can bare. Enough of the sad things and on with a few questions for you. Mom are you still doing laundry in heaven? Laundry was such a big part of your life and you seem to enjoy it so much. With six kids and working at a laundry for the hospitals, laundry was such a big part of your life. Ever weekend when I talked to you on the phone you where always doing laundry. Another question for you is are you happy? Mom you enjoyed life to the fullest. You loved working on your lawn and riding the mower all over. You loved having your kids and grandkids at your house. We where always welcome at any time and you made sure we enjoyed ourselves. About the lawn since we are on the subject, how in the world do you get rid of all those leaves? Lee, Travis and Chad worked on that yard for a week and you should see it now. Oh no Mom you would not want to see it. Dave called yesterday to see how ever thing is going. I need to get the estate taken care of and soon. I hope to get it started this month. The bank keeps asking him about the house. We have to take it out of your name soon, but we can't do that until it goes through probate. I sure hope someone up there helps us out with the house issue. We have not taken a thing out of the house, not even your clothes. Whenever I leave your house to come home, I do my best to make it look like you always have it. Clean as a whistle. The holidays are coming up soon and that is going to be a very hard thing for all of us to deal with. We plan on having Thanksgiving and Christmas at your house. The only thing missing is YOU MOM. I always take you to the casino on my birthday and you take your christmas money with you to play. Well not all of your Christmas money, you always leave some of it home so you do not spend it. Gosh Mom I sure miss you and love you so much. I always felt you would live forever. Mom you will always live in my heart forever and ever. Well I am signing off for right now and I will be talking to you again soon. Love, Debbie