Here I am, back again =) Made some cheesy potato of your favorites! I've been eating so much junk lately, needed something 'homemade' I guess. I've got a whole list of things I wanna make this week/end =) Gonna clean house tonight, when I'm done 'chatting' with you. Sleep is hard to come by these days Mom. I did manage a couple hour nap today but I tell ya Mom this 'night' thing. I'll go to bed, my body completely exhausted, but my mind fully awake. Every little thought from the good to the ugly will play thru my mind. This can last a couple hours. Then my mind will slowly slow down. I can focus on a good, sometimes made up happy thought and almost fall asleep to it, then a bolt of lightening I'm blasted awake. Almost like someone is guilting me for having a 'happy' thought. Heart starts racing, I break a sweat, feel weak and sorta nauseous and that's all she wrote...I am WIDE awake. The viscious cycle continues til about 3-3:30 ish, when my mind finally catches up w/my body and I drift off to sleep. If I'm lucky I'll sleep til 5:30-6ish, then I'll lay there back to the random thoughts game until it's either time to get up or the kids get wake up. Sometimes I'll 'drift' a little, but I tell ya there are many of nights I think I am better off just staying fully up and awake. SUCKS really does! Ha, the good thing about all of this though is I can still 'talk' to you about it only now you are 'there' so you don't worry. You just smile down and say to me 'every little thing is gonna be ok'. Love you Mom!! I better get outta here and get some work done. Hey, I saw a little old lady today, she was the sweetest thing ever, reminded me of you. Made me smile!!! (((((((HUGS)))))) *******KISSES*******