Love, Tammy - 04/13/2011

Night from....BLAHH, I'll get to that in a minute, first is this...!!!!Happy Birthday Mom!!!! Jarrod's coming over for dinner, so is Bean...we're gonna grill burgers and hot dogs and I wasn't planning on fixing a cake (don't need the calories) so I didn't buy a cake mix. Well that all changed...not the calorie needing, but the idea of making a cake, lol. I've always made a cake for you...can't stop now! Soo, gonna make a Texas chocolate sheet cake....I always have the fixings for that. I can send the rest home with Jarrod so I don't eat it =) Now about last night. Well the 'plan' blew up in my face....she was gaggy ALL night!! Didn't tolerate her feed at all. She puked I bet every 20 minutes. Then around 5 ish was completely surrounded in blood from the sore on the top of her head. This was worse then I've ever seen! Got her up to assess and into the bath. She was alert and breathing was fine so No 911 (Thank God)But holy WOW was she a bloody mess! She had blood clots in her hair even...completely saturated...she was that messy! Took me awhile to get all the blood out, but I did and got the bleeding to stop. I put some antibiotic cream on her head and took it upon myself to start her on an oral antibiotic because she is very neutropenic, so the risk of infection is concerning! I'll call clinic at 9 to see if they want me to do anything else. They may want labs drawn again. I also took it upon myself to get some weight on heck w/anyone calling me back, I am out of wasted time and pissed, so I mixed up a batch of apple juice, peanut butter and karo syrup....ran it thru the blender and she is hooked up to it now. She tolerates clear liquids real good so hopefully the 'x-tra' stuff I added works and doesn't make her gaggy. IF it does work that'll be 500 calories!!!! It'll take 6 hours to run, but she was normally gettiing 0 calories during that six hour time slot because I was running a straight water flush (advised from Dr C and her nutritionist) I was awake all night 'thinking' and praying and that's what I came up with!! She's sleeping in the recliner now...all bundled up, looks so peaceful! I love her Mom...need you to see her thru all this! Her MRI is coming up and I need you there too! I Love You!!! Happy Birthday (((((((HUGS))))))) and ******KISSES******