Mom, I just want you to know I miss you and love you so much. Who would have thought that you still are not with us. Mom, I thing one thing is good, we have your web-site so we can still write to you and let you know how we are doing. Tammy writes to you just about every day, and mom I think that helps her. She spent so much time with you living so close by. Mom,it has been so hard on me all of these years living so far away, but we were still so close. I miss you mom. I talked to Tammy tonight and told her it is so hard to get in the Christmas spirit in FL. It's been in the 80's and we have our AC on. Mom I remember two years ago when you came down for Christmas I said to bring light clothes and it was cold the whole time you were here. (But mom you also brought warm clothes with you.) We just never know that the weather is going to be like. Well mom I pretty much have my Christmas shopping done. Dino and I went out twice and bought all of our gifts. He's real good about shopping with me. I was wrapping all the gifts and I keep thinking about you when you were here two years ago. You did most of the wrapping and you wanted to. You were so good at it. I miss you mom. Love Becky Mom just wanted to let you know about our little Mandy dog. She is doing ok. I take her to the vet again next Monday to check her paw. We held off on doing anything with her and her paw just healed fine. It's been almost two months. Love you mom!!