Tay had her MRI yesterday Mom, as usual she did GREAT! She's been having sleep issues though, hopefully she gets back on track soon, I am whipped from lack of sleep. I am going to call Dr. C today and see if he's had a change to look at her scans. While we were there yesterday we ran into Dr. Droste (eye Dr) or rather he ran into us. He saw us in the waiting room and came up to ask about Tay. Then when she was in the recovery room he saw us again and came over and took a peak at her. He wants to see her again so Tay's nurse is going to call and make her an appointment. When I called the soonest was July, so Dr. D said to have the nurse do it...she'd be able to get her in sooner. Her left eye has a scar on it so he wants some meds put in it, he told me what to get yesterday. Other than that Mom, everything is going well. I am sure Debbie will be up this weekend, Lee is up and Chad is on his way. I had to make Chad a dentist appt with my dentist. Suprisingly he was able to squeeze him in this afternoon. I think Chad will really like him, we sure do. I am FINALLY done with all my dental work. Sure took a long time! If feels good to be done though. you know how I HATE going to the dentist! Well Mom, I'll let you know how Tay's MRI comes out. I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU like crazy!! (((((HUGS))))) ****KISSES*****