I changed your background to a rainbow. Remember how when we go to FL, right before it is time to come home we always see a double rainbow, we'd take it as our sign that 'everything is going to be ok and we'll make it home safe'. I remember seeing the double rainbow at Becky's right in front of her house by the church. It was one of the times that you were with us. We even took a picture of it. This one on your web page reminded me of that...'you made it home safely', I never noticed it before when I set your page up. I miss you Mom! ((((((HUGS))))) *****KISSES***** PS. I talked to Shelley, kids are doing fine. Yesterday was Baby Seth's first birthday. She said he isn't walking yet...just taking a few steps. You'd tell her not to worry, that he'll walk when he is ready :o)